Wednesday, January 24, 2018

(Schades 6 and 3 Years Old) Wednesday Jan, 24th 2018

Dear little ones,

 The day hasn't started yet, but I wanted to take a second and say how proud I am to be your mom. Every morning you come downstairs and lay in bed with me for a little while we watch an episode or two from your favorite Netflix cartoons. Then we get moving to the kitchen where we share breakfast. After a while you both go upstairs to play before we get dressed and ready for the day. Because both of you have school in the afternoon our mornings are slow and quiet. I am really going to miss them next year when both of you start school in the morning. It will probably be a whirlwind of activity to get you both out the door on time.

And while I look forward to watching you learn and grow, it always breaks my heart a little knowing our time and these moments are so fleeting. You are both such bright lights in my day, and I love you so much. It is such a blessing waking up each morning knowing I get to care for you, love you, help you, lift you, and watch you do the same. Over the last few months it has been especially rewarding watching you become closer friends who look out for each other and genuinely want to spend time together. In fact, just yesterday Blake, you made dino bones out of paper to hide around the house for Ev to find. My heart was a puddle. You were so thoughtful and patient and kind with each other. Moments like that just make my world go round, and I am so glad they are no longer few and far between. I can see you love each other a little more every day. What an amazing life!

Love you,

Monday, December 25, 2017

(Schades 6 and 3 Years Old) Monday, December 25th 2017


Today is Christmas Day and we got to spend it in our new house with our family here. A few days ago Lala, Brant, and all your aunts, uncles, and cousins came over for dinner, games, and presents. It was such a fun, rambunctious celebration. The food, as always, was exceptional. We had enough room for everyone to have a seat at a table, and it was joyous. Then we played the present ball game where you have to unwrap a present with mittens. There were a bunch of little prizes inside, and some big ones too. The cousins liked it so much from last year, they requested to do it again. And boy is it fun to watch and laugh with everyone. Then you all got presents from Grandma and Grandpa, something we got to help pick out this year. Blake wanted a start wars X-wing and Ev wanted a cake ball maker. After that we wrapped up the evening by decorating gingerbread men. Blake did so well butting the gold shoes and the big eyes on his cookies. Ev on the other hand, covered her guy in a mountain of pink frosting and dumped the full bottle of pink sprinkles on her cookie. Everyone thought it was a hoot and Ev was so pleased with her creation that it was hard to be mad about the shirt we had to toss out.

 Then, for Christmas Eve we hosted G.G., Grandpa, Tio, Nana and Kelsey. They were all so excited to sleep over. Nana and G.G. were upstairs in the play room. Kelsey set up her cot with Ev in her room. Then Grandpa and Tio slept in hammocks downstairs in the basement. That night we ate yummy soup and bread and loads of finger foods. Then after playing they took you on a drive to see the lights while Papa and I cleaned up. By the time you all got back Ev was dead asleep, and Blake was ready to hit the hay too. So off you went, upstairs to await Santa. But you had to make sure we left some fudge and a carrot out for Santa and the reindeer. On Christmas Morning you woke up around 7am. We dug through the stockings and played with Santa's presents for a while. Then we had breakfast, got cleaned up and dressed, and then slowly waded through the rest of the presents. It was such a good, good day. We are so lucky to have so much of our family close by, and I hope you never forget that.

Spending time with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents is so important. I love how much you both want to spend time with family. You are always begging to see cousins, show Tio something, or talk to Lala on the phone. Yup, so lucky to have so many people love you, and I hope you don't forget it. Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

(Blake 6 Years Old) Wednesday, Nov 1st 2017

Dear Blake,

You are such a little man these days, and I am not sure my heart can take it. Then to have you get one year older, it is just pushing my mommy heart to the limit. You are such a good boy. You love going to school and learning new things. You are trying to make new friends. You share your toys. I am so proud of all you do. You still love the colors blue and green, you love to eat pizza and waffles, and you like cartoons first thing in the morning. You also like playing Pokemon Go is your favorite thing to do on weekends, and you are getting very good at drawing and writing. You write stories and put books together all the time. Or you make new things out of boxes. Your creativity knows no bounds, and I love watching you explore and try new things. This year for your birthday we had a pokemon party with posters and a cake. Then later we plan to take you to the Pokemon: I Choose You movie featuring Ho-Oh. Yes, pokemon all the time everytime. You are such a special boy, and I hope you felt special on this special day.


Sunday, August 13, 2017

(Everly 3 Years Old) Sunday, August 13th 2017

Dear Sweet Girlee,
 I cannot believe you are three whole years old today. You are just growing up too fast and I can't wait to see all the things you do as a big girl this year. You are a fireball, love the color pink, want dogs for every toy, and could eat chocolate and cheese for every meal. For your special celebration this year we invited Stephanie and Allen to come over with your second cousins Ryan and Finn, because Finn has a birthday close to yours. We had it in G.G.'s back yard and decorated with all the pink streamers and dogs we could find. You wore the cutest little princess dress and requested donuts instead of a birthday cake. It was a hit, and you danced and played and opened presents like a pro. We love you so much and are so glad you decided to join our family three years ago.
 Love, Mama, Papa, and Blake

Friday, August 11, 2017

(Schades 5 and 2 Years Old) Friday, July 11th 2017

Hi Babies,

Today we met up with Nana and Kelsey in the morning to clean out a storage shed and drop things off at DI. Then we rushed home to meet our friends from the old neighborhood. It was great to have a hoard of kids running around. I loved it, and I think you enjoyed having friends here to play with too. Then after pop corn, and snacks our friends returned home and we got ready to go swimming with Nana and Kelsey. We tried a new swimming pool at the Lindon Aquatics Center. It was such a great pool with fun slides and lots of things for you both. I liked it because the water was cool enough to be refreshing, but warm enough to keep us comfortable after the clouds rolled in.

All in all, a busy but great day! I love you so much and am thrilled to see you so happy--and exhausted at the end of each summer day.

Love always,
Your Mama

Thursday, July 27, 2017

(Schades 5 and 2 Years Old) Thursday, July 27th 2017

Dear Kids,

Looks like we will get a front yard very very soon. I am so excited. Watching them work on the landscaping has been oddly stressful for me. I have been wanting to get out there and get started, or make sure they are doing a good job. But I also feel like I would be in the way, or might embarrass myself. Well, now that is not a concern. The yard is almost in and I can picture us spending many sunny mornings and shady afternoons out there watching the world go by.

I love you both so much! You are the best part of every day and all of these new things surrounding our new home are all the better because I get to share them with you.

Love always,

Saturday, July 1, 2017

(Blake 5 Years Old) Saturday, July 1st 2017

Hey Little Man,

Aunt Alaina came to visit us this weekend so she could see our new house and help me finish decorating your new room. It was so much fun and we got so much done I am thrilled, and you seem to be as well.

Your "bunk bed with the blue slide" has been up for a while now. You chose that long before we even moved in and I cannot describe the sparkle in your eye when we got it set up a couple of weeks ago. You were in love. It is loft height, so I can easily make your bed with you in the mornings. And underneath there is a little blue curtain fort for you, with red windows and a little red flap for a door. Currently you have all your stuffies hidden under there and a reading pillow. And of course, can't forget the blue slide that you slip down every morning when you wake up.

But for the rest of your special, big boy room--I just wasn't sure what to do. Luckily Aunt Alaina walked around a few stores with me and we found just what we were looking for. You picked out a big bear picture, and she picked out some geometric animal heads to go on the walls. Then I found some twiggy hooks and a wooden bookshelf. All together it is a great, woodsy, big boy room. And I shed a little tear again at how big you are getting.

Love always,

Thursday, June 1, 2017

(Blake 5 Years Old) Tuesday, June 1st 2017

Dear Blake,

Today was a big day for you as well. In addition to getting our new house we also had to stop by your new school for a kindergarten assessment. My heart was bursting while I waited for you out in the hall. You got to talk with your teacher one on one. I was nervous I hadn't been doing enough to help you excel. I was hopeful that you would charm the teacher with your smile and easy nature. I was chasing your little sister down the hall and wondering which little blue locker might be yours.

Wow! Kindergarten! I can't wait for this new phase for you and I, and this turning the corner. But I am also sad that you are growing up too fast. It is a good thing you are still silly, and gangly, and every bit the little boy I love so deeply. I will hang on to every crinkle-nosed laugh and disappointed sob as long as I can. I love you little man, to the moon and back.


(Schades 5 and 2 Years Old) Tuesday, June 1st 2017

Dear Dear Schade Kids,

Today was an exciting day. We can finally start the process of moving in to our new house! It has been such a long, stressful year for our family, but finally we can enjoy the fruits from all that waiting. I cannot wait to start making memories in this new place with you.

The walls are all white, and ready for your little smudges and finger prints. The floors are all grey, ready to hide the dirt you track in from the park. The halls are narrow, ready for running. The stairs are tall and ready for climbing. Your rooms are right next door to each other, ready for sharing. Everything is ready! Finally!

Love you,

Friday, May 26, 2017

(Schades 5 and 2 Years Old) Friday, May 26th 2017

Hey Kiddos,

I started playing indoor soccer this month, just for fun and because I was a little jealous of Tio. I was so scared to do it. I am not a good soccer player. I don't know much about the sport. I am not in super great shape. I don't like running. There is a long list of reasons why I was afraid. But despite all of them, I signed up anyway. And I am glad I did.

The games are so challenging and I am exhausted, and disappointed when we lose. But it has still been such a fulfilling experience. I work hard. I cheer for my team. I try to do better and better each game. I learn from the people who have played before. I have really loved playing and getting to know new people.

But very best of all, I have loved hearing your little voices in the stand cheering for me. "You can do it!" "Go mama!" It just fills my heart to bursting to know I will always have you and you will always have me. There to cheer, and run, and give big hugs. Thanks for that.
